Knox thanks the Governance members for their willingness to serve and improve our school.

The purpose of the Site Governance Team (SGT) is to ensure that teachers, parents, and administration work together on important issues involving the students. These include issues related to the use of our physical facilities, school dress code, discipline, fundraising and parent communication. The SGT also may make recommendations to the School Site Council (SSC) on budgetary matters related to ensuring academic achievement.

The meetings are scheduled once a month at 3:15 p.m., normally on the third/forth Thursday of each month. Meetings are held via zoom in conjunction with the SSC (School Site Council). All are Welcome!



The 2023-24 Scheduled Meetings are:

September 26th:  SGT Agenda/Minutes   SSC Minutes

October 25th:  CANCELLED

November 29th

January 24th

February 28th



May 22nd



The Governance team and School Site councils consist of teachers, community members,  parents, support staff, and an administrator.

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